Memories recalled
It’s interesting how quickly one can travel back through their childhood by the triggering of a sound, smell or a place. A couple years ago I lived about six minutes
Richard "Douglas Trowbridge" Souther – official site
It’s interesting how quickly one can travel back through their childhood by the triggering of a sound, smell or a place. A couple years ago I lived about six minutes
It’s often been said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” I had a great piano teacher. I was three when
The music from Arc of Visibility as well as the previous album, The Fourth Man in the Fire, came out of what I call, the “six a.m.” sessions. For the
Welcome to my new Richard Souther Music Blog. This is the place where I’ll share my thoughts and stories about everything from the making of my albums, stories about the